Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Menopause Diaries

This morning, a gynecologist-slash-menopause doctor on the Today show said it’s good to document menopause phase of your life with a diary—“Chart any changes, emotional or physical, to help you better understand yourself and keep it all in perspective.” And you must BE HONEST she said. A diary can act as a confidant, she said. “Pour out all your fears, complaints and maladies in the diary and spare your husband!” Matt Lauer laughed at this in a Hey, I know what you mean, women can be such pain in the asses, sort of way.
            I’d like to start with the crying. I have been crying for no explicable reason these days.  I thought this crying was just over-exaggerated manifestation of my usual neurosis, but after being enlightened by the Today Show, I understand I am not alone. Apparently, lots of 52 plus year old women are wading through the same swamp of unidentifiable despair, but somehow, that does not make ME feel any better.   No one is going through menopause, as I AM GOING THROUGH IT. I am special.           
            (When I used to cry, in my twenties, over men, it did not comfort me that there were possibly thousands, no, millions of women out there who did not have a boyfriend. I only cared that I did not have one. My mother used to sit next to me on my tissue-laden bed and say, “Lots of girls are single at 27 years old. You are so BEA-U-TI-FUL, think of the poor ugly ones. They may NEVER find anyone. I assure you, you will find someone, and then the real crying will start! (Ha, ha) Now dry your eyes and drive me to the supermarket.”)
  Last night, again, I burst out crying for no reason. This should definitely be documented. Oh, sure, I MADE UP a reason so Husband would not think I was loosing my mind, but there was NO REAL REASON. 
So as not to be hauled off to an expensive, New York therapist, here are some stock reasons I use as an excuse for my crying bouts:
1.  My mother is getting older, 75, and it’s sad to see her this way. (She has a boyfriend with whom she spends every weekend and is never home what with all the clubs and the dances and the luncheons. This is the weakest of reasons.)
2.  Anything job related. (The 8th graders this year are so awful. They have no respect and they don’t do their homework. (surprise, surprise) OR—I am overwhelmed with paperwork and can’t even find time to teach effective lessons. OR—The male teachers I work with do not pull their weight. And on and on and on. This school related reason is often real.)
3. My favorite: I FEEL UGLY. (This one actually does makes me feel better, because Husband will sit next to me on the bed and put his arm around me and tell me that I’m all wrong and that I am BEA-U-TI-FUL and if I dry my eyes he will take me to Home Depot and allow me to wile away an hour or so oogling window treatments and lighting fixtures he has no intention of ever buying while he discusses the joys and disappointments of spackle with an “associate”.
4. I miss our three boys. (One, Jon, away at college, twelve blocks away at NYU. One, Alex, just graduated NYU and in his own apartment near Washington Square, eight blocks away, and one, Nick, passed away at 21 from Leukemia a year and a half ago—very legitimate reason to cry-- but usually not the reason. (I tend to save up crying over Nick for certain, compartmentalized times, usually in his room or when I see a picture. Even then, it’s not the real boo-hoo type crying one would expect or even want to see from a mother under these circumstances. It’s just a whole lot of head talk, like, think of something else, think of something else, shit, shit, shit, think of something else.  I am not totally proud of this and sometimes I wonder why I don’t cry harder and more often, instead of just sitting on the edge of his bed, glazed over, and forcing myself to look around and remember things that hurt, like tubes and pill bottles and the way he would shuffle into his room from the bathroom like a 90 year old man, skinny and pale. It’s like that accident cliché where you can’t stand to look, but you can’t look away. )
Shit, shit, shit! I’m going to cry. Let me change the subject. I’m getting very good at that.

The first time this crying thing happened, I was in Miami, about few years ago. Husband and I took a little vacation with the 3 boys. The first morning we woke up, husband goes out for his usual triathlon of exercise and I planned to take a shower.
Funny, the things you discover about yourself when you are away on vacation and out of your normal element. I had no idea I was so persnickety about my showers, but apparently I am. At home, I have a showerhead that can be removed and held in-hand to wash all those HARD TO REACH PLACES. Places where the sun doesn’t usually shine, unless you bend over to pick up your sunglasses on a nude beach, which let’s face it, doesn’t happen all that often. I like things immaculately clean in those shady places because all the TV advertisements have made me acutely aware of how important it is to start the day “fresh”, therefore, “more confident.”
            So I got in the shower, down there in Miami, and I started the water. AND THEN I looked up and saw it. A stationary showerhead!! STATIONARY. And there was no water pressure to speak of.  The water was coming out in a dribble—like the drinking fountains in Central Park.
            I tried to play along. I lifted one leg and angled my pelvis skyward.  Dribble, dribble. Nothing got wet except my knees.
            Feelings of frustration and upsetment quickly started to well up in my chest and my throat and suddenly and without warning, I BURST OUT CRYING. Just like that. Burst right out in hysterics. Then, even more suddenly, and with even less warning, I burst into a hysterical laughter—IN THE SHOWER. I was laughing and crying hysterically in the shower in the middle of Miami Beach because the water could not, would not, reach my private parts.
            The boys were now pressed to the others side of the bathroom door.
            “Mom! Mom! Are you okay in there? Mom! What’s the matter?”
            “Nothing. Sob, sob. “Nothing.” Ha-ha. “Don’t worry. It’s—sob, my hormones.” Big, long sob, followed by burst of hysterical laughter. Yes, laughter. That's when I became alarmed.
            And that, dear reader, was the beginning. The start of the peri-menopausal nightmare I currently find myself in today—a constant state of indecision, hysteria, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of being overwhelmingly overwhelmed all the time. I went from being a fairly together, emotionally stable wife, mother, and 8th grade teacher to the indecisive, psychotic, and let’s face it, annoying wreck that I am today.
So here's my question. Am I alone here?